
The Louisiana Responsible Vendor Program requires “any employee of a vendor who is authorized to sell or serve alcoholic beverages or tobacco products in the normal course of his or her employment or deals with customers who purchase or consume alcoholic beverages or tobacco products” must attend an RV Class and obtain an RV Server Permit within 45 days of their hire date.



The Responsible Vendor Servers course was designed to teach waiters, waitresses, cashiers, and vendors what and what not to do during the sale of alcohol, tobacco, and lottery ticket sales. The course can last an average of 2 hours and include a test that must be passed to obtain your Responsible Vendor Server Card.

The retail and restaurant locations at which licensed servers are employed are required to keep employment records on-site for inspection by ATC Enforcement Agents. ATC Enforcement Agents also routinely check the compliance of licensed vendors and their servers. Servers found to sell or serve alcohol/tobacco products in violation of Louisiana can be held liable in criminal or civil court depending on the violation. ATC Agents have begun issuing administrative citations directly to RV Servers for violations of Louisiana Title 26 violations. If you have received an administrative violation, Click Here to access the ATC Prosecutor’s Page where you can obtain information about our administrative violation process.


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Onsite, Virtual Classroom




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